What A/B Tests Have Led to Surprising Improvements in User Acquisition?

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    SaaS Perspective

    What A/B Tests Have Led to Surprising Improvements in User Acquisition?

    In the dynamic world of SaaS marketing, even small changes can lead to significant results. We've gathered insights from CEOs to Senior Marketing Managers on the A/B tests that surprised them. From highlighting popular plans to simplifying messaging, discover five strategies that made a real difference.

    • Highlight Popular Plans to Boost Confidence
    • Long-Form Content Increases Sign-Ups
    • Value-Driven CTAs Enhance Engagement
    • Emotional Messaging Attracts More Users
    • Simplified Messaging Improves Conversion Rates

    Highlight Popular Plans to Boost Confidence

    One of the most surprising A/B tests we ran was on our pricing page.

    We had a solid flow of traffic, but the conversions were underwhelming. So, we decided to test two versions of the pricing page. The original version had all the plans laid out evenly, with no real emphasis on any specific one. In the new version, we highlighted the “most popular” plan with a larger button and added a subtle testimonial next to it.

    The result? A 20% increase in signups. We didn’t expect such a big jump just from emphasizing one plan, but it made users feel more confident in their choice by showing them what others were selecting. The testimonial helped build trust too, reinforcing the value of that plan.

    What we learned from this is that guiding users toward a decision rather than overwhelming them with equal options can make a huge difference in acquisition. Small tweaks to design and messaging can completely shift the user journey, and in this case, it worked better than we could’ve predicted.​

    Vlad Makarov
    Vlad MakarovSenior Marketing Manager, ZERO10

    Long-Form Content Increases Sign-Ups

    One A/B test we've conducted at TrackingMore with surprising improvements in user acquisition is varying the content length of our landing pages.

    We've used a shorter, uncluttered landing page that went straight to the point and asked the visitor to sign up for a free trial of our shipment tracking products.

    Another landing page we used was a long-form article that talked about the benefits of order tracking for enhancing the customer post-purchase experience. We included customer case studies within these blog posts to provide the reader with more context about how TrackingMore can help their customers.

    The longer content landing page generated more sign-ups than the one with shorter content. The reason for this, we figured, is that with longer-form content, we got a chance to explain to readers some of the frustrations customers go through after buying goods online and how our shipment tracking tool can help.

    Clooney Wang
    Clooney WangCEO, TrackingMore

    Value-Driven CTAs Enhance Engagement

    One A/B test we conducted at Rail Trip Strategies that led to a surprising improvement in user acquisition involved testing the call-to-action (CTA) phrasing on our landing pages. Initially, we used a more traditional CTA like "Schedule a Consultation" to drive leads for our lead generation services. While this was effective, we decided to test a more value-driven approach with the phrase "Get Your Free Sales Strategy Session."

    The results were surprising. The new, more specific CTA highlighting the value of a "free sales strategy session" increased click-through rates by 40% and significantly boosted user acquisition. Prospects were more engaged because the revised CTA clearly communicated the immediate benefit they would receive, rather than simply suggesting a generic consultation.

    This taught us that small changes in how we position the offer—especially when it's focused on providing value upfront—can have a major impact on how prospects respond, leading to higher conversion rates. The key takeaway was that prospects are more likely to engage when the CTA directly addresses what's in it for them.

    Reed Daniels
    Reed DanielsOwner, Rail Trip Strategies

    Emotional Messaging Attracts More Users

    One of the most surprising A/B tests we conducted at RecurPost involved tweaking the messaging on our product's landing page. Initially, we had a feature-focused headline that outlined the key benefits of our social media management tool. However, after considering our user feedback, we decided to test a more emotional approach by framing the headline around the idea of saving time and reducing stress for users. The result was a 35% increase in sign-ups, a clear indication that our audience resonated more with the emotional appeal than with the straightforward, feature-driven messaging.

    This test taught us the significant impact of understanding and addressing the emotional needs of our users. By shifting the focus from what our product does to how it can improve the lives of our customers, we were able to greatly enhance our user acquisition efforts. It's a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected changes can lead to the most substantial improvements.

    Dinesh Agarwal
    Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

    Simplified Messaging Improves Conversion Rates

    One A/B test we conducted at TruBridge that led to a surprising improvement in user acquisition involved testing different landing page formats for our SaaS revenue cycle management (RCM) services. Initially, our landing pages were very detailed, filled with extensive descriptions of the technical features and capabilities of our software. We assumed that providing more information upfront would build trust and help potential customers make an informed decision.

    However, we decided to run an A/B test to compare this detailed page against a simplified version. The new version focused on a more concise, benefit-driven message, highlighting the key outcomes our software delivers—like faster payments and reduced claim denials—rather than going into technical specifics. It also included a clear call to action (CTA) right at the top, offering a free demo.

    To our surprise, the simplified version outperformed the detailed page significantly, leading to a 30% increase in user acquisitions. Visitors responded much more positively to the straightforward messaging that focused on solving their pain points quickly, rather than getting bogged down in the details of how the software worked. The clear and prominent CTA also made it easier for visitors to take the next step without scrolling or searching for more information.

    The key takeaway from this A/B test was that while technical details are important, especially in B2B SaaS marketing, presenting a clear, benefit-driven message upfront can be more effective in driving conversions. We learned that prospects are often more concerned with the outcomes a product will deliver than with understanding every feature before committing to a demo or consultation. This finding has since influenced how we design all of our landing pages, leading to stronger acquisition rates across campaigns.

    Sandra Stoughton
    Sandra StoughtonDirector, Marketing Operations, TruBridge